I had the following conversation with one of my mentees some weeks ago. It was a wonderful moment for me as I was able to share some principles that have kept me going in life.
Mentee: Smile! My Conversation with a Mentee
Mentee: Your smile. You love smiling! Is it real?
Me: Of course, it is real. Smiling is one of my coping strategies.
Mentee: Are you proud?
Me: No. I am just confident about what I want and where I am going.
Mentee: Are you a strong person?
Me: That’s relative. I may not be your typical “strong woman”, but I have come to realise that I exhibit strength when there are impossibilities!
Mentee: How do you handle hate and negativity from people?
Me: I love. I empathise. I am also patient.
Mentee: How possible?
Me: It is possible! I love intentionally, which helps me to overcome hatred. My love is not out of coercion or pretence. I empathise by imagining myself in their situation. Yes, I will patient with them. I know they are being envious, hateful, and angry …because THEY DO NOT KNOW ME!
Mentee: Thanks for your time